The information on is for general use only. We try to make sure everything we share is accurate and up-to-date, but we canโ€™t promise that itโ€™s always correct or complete.

By using our website, you agree to the following:

Accuracy of Information

We do our best to provide correct information on, but we canโ€™t guarantee itโ€™s always right. The US Armyโ€™s rules or job details may change, so always check with official US Army recruiters or websites to be sure.

External Links

Our website may include links to other websites. We donโ€™t control these sites and arenโ€™t responsible for the content on them. If you visit another website, make sure to check their own privacy policies and terms.

No Professional Advice

The information on our website is for general knowledge and not meant to give professional, legal, or military advice. For specific help with US Army jobs, contact a US Army recruiter or professional.

Limitation of Liability

Weโ€™re not responsible for any damage, loss, or issues that happen from using the information on our website. If something goes wrong, you are using our site at your own risk.


We donโ€™t support or recommend any third-party products, services, or websites linked on our site. If we mention something, itโ€™s just for your information, not an endorsement.

Changes to Content

We can change or remove content on at any time. Information on our site may be out of date, so itโ€™s your job to check for updates.

User Responsibility

You are responsible for everything you do on our website. Make sure to check the details with US Army sources before you make any decisions.

No Guarantees

We canโ€™t promise that youโ€™ll get a job in the US Army just by using the information on our site. It depends on meeting the Armyโ€™s requirements and completing the process correctly.

Contact Us

If you have questions about this disclaimer or the content on our website, feel free to contact us.